‘What does your eResources data really tell you?’ and sherif AGM

Tuesday 27th February 2018, at CILIP Headquarters, London

9.45-10.15 Registration and refreshments
10.15-10.20 Welcome
10.20-11.05 James Clay (JISC) discussing 'the Intelligent Library'
11.05-11.20 Comfort break
11.20-11.50 Jeff Woods (University of Liverpool) discussing 'Electronic resource use: dispatches from the University of Liverpool'
11.50-12.05 Lightning talk - Tif Dickinson (University of Plymouth) discussing 'University of Plymouth eTextbooks service: Using learning analytics as a tool for creative budgeting and challenging conversations'
12.05-12.20 Lightning talk - Richard Nurse (Open University) discussing 'Understanding the link between eResource accesses and student success at a distance-learning digital university'
12.20-1.10 Lunch
1.10-1.30 AGM
1.30-1.45 sherif student prize presentation - Alex Keane 'One step forward, or two steps back? Representing MARC in BIBFRAME 1 and BIBFRAME 2.0'
1.45-2.15 John Gilchrist (University of Middlesex) discussing GDPR Implemention: a practioner's perspective '
2.15-2.30 Lightning talk - John Taylor (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory) 'eResources statistics: a research perspective'
2.30-2.55 Tea
2.55-3.25 Q&A
3.25-3.40 Closing remarks